What makes news? The term “news” refers to information about current events. Information about news can be provided through a variety of methods, such as word of mouth, printing, postal systems, television, radio, and the testimony of witnesses. It is also sometimes referred to as “hard news” to differentiate it from other types of information. Here are 20 different categories of news that make it “newsworthy”.
20 categories of what makes news
There are many different types of news that make the headlines. From tragic events to banal happenings, any crime is newsworthy. Crime stories are more prominent if they involve an extraordinary or unusual event, but any story involving people is newsworthy. Stories about money and finance are another type of news. Stories about a wealthy person losing their fortune or becoming embroiled in a scandal are also newsworthy. Even stories about the prices of food and medicine, as well as compensation claims and other health-related issues, are often newsworthy.
Five “Five Ws”
Journalism isn’t dead, but the five fundamental questions we ask ourselves as news journalists are still crucial. The Five “Ws” are important tools for fact-checking statistics and repurposing the work we do. As recent events show, traditional methods of news reporting aren’t always effective. These five basic questions can help us make the most informed decisions about how to present news. And they don’t have to be boring.
There is a new competition among news agencies: exclusiveness in news. Newspapers are no longer exclusive, as readers rely on them for world news and context. Instead, they look to these newspapers for explanations on the impact of events on their communities and the world. In this age, it is critical for news agencies to differentiate themselves from each other, and to innovate to maintain their audience’s loyalty. The competition between the news agencies is fierce.
As more people consume news online, the shareability of news stories has increased. As news stories are widely shared, they are liable to spread false or inaccurate information. To prevent such misinformation, news outlets should take steps to ensure the accuracy of their reports. This can be done through headline shareability and social media alerts. Shareability has launched an alert system that will notify journalists when a news article is shared online. The system scores headline shareability and displays an alert if the headline score exceeds a certain threshold on Facebook or Twitter. Alerts can also be used by newspaper editors who want to track the success of their articles, but a threshold will prevent this from happening for most articles.
Human interest
The concept of human interest is a staple of modern media, particularly in the print world. These stories focus on the lives of specific individuals or groups, and tell their story in a highly emotional manner. Human interest stories can help make a feature story more interesting and relatable to its audience. This type of news is especially useful in combination with hard-hitting stories in newspapers or on television. The main objective of human interest stories is to capture the audience’s interest and create empathy. In this sense, they illustrate 8 of the most basic journalism values.