Automobiles are self-propelled vehicles used for passenger transportation and freight transport. They are generally powered by an internal combustion engine driven by a volatile fuel (petrol, diesel, CNG, etc). Technological developments have led to the use of electric power for automobiles as well. Several important subsystems of an automobile include the body, chassis, engine, drivetrain, control systems and safety systems.
Automobiles play a major role in our day-to-day life. Modern life cannot be imagined without these vehicles. Various kinds of passenger and goods vehicles are available in the market, which have specific features depending upon their intended usage. There are many advantages of having an automobile, which include independence and freedom. Having a car also saves your time. Taking the bus or waiting for a taxi can be frustrating and waste your precious time, especially when you are running late.
Having your own car allows you to travel wherever you want, whenever you want, without having to worry about being on time for work or a meeting. It also allows you to do more activities in less time, like going for a quick shopping trip or spending some quality time with your family.
The automobile industry has a long history of innovation. Originally, it was dominated by European manufacturers, but Henry Ford’s mass production techniques allowed American automakers to sell at a lower price than their foreign competitors. Ford’s production methods are now a standard part of most auto manufacturing plants, and they have helped make the cost of automobiles accessible to most middle-class families.
As the demand for automobiles grew, companies expanded their production capacity. Some developed special features for different uses, such as the air-conditioner or a rear-view mirror. Other innovations included a system for transmitting speed and torque, called a transmission. These transmissions allow you to switch gears at the right moment for maximum acceleration and power. Some are automatic, while others require the driver to manually shift them.
An automobile is a complex technical system comprising thousands of parts with specific functions. Its design is based on the intended use of the vehicle and its performance requirements. Various design models are in use, including sedans (which usually have four doors), coupes (which typically have two doors), hatchbacks, station wagons and SUVs, vans, and trucks. There are also special purpose automobiles, such as ambulances, fire engines and police vehicles.
The body of an automobile is the main component, which includes the hull, suspension and wheels. It is usually made of metal or other strong material. Some bodies are constructed from pressed steel plates or other materials, while some have unit construction.