Technology is the result of accumulated knowledge, skills and methods. It is the process used in industrial production and scientific research. The human element is at the heart of technology. Let’s explore the definition of technology and its ethical implications. Let’s start with the Greek and Indo-European roots of the word “techne.”
Techne is an Indo-European word
In the Odyssey, characters often cite techne in dialogue. The word refers to various crafts, from medicine to oxherding, farming, and horsemanship. Other crafts mentioned in the Odyssey include geometry, music, and generalship. Sorcery is another craft that is associated with techne. It is difficult to determine which art or craft is associated with the term techne, but the two concepts are often confused.
Technik is a Greek word
In Greek, the word Technik means “art,” and it has various meanings in modern contexts. In other languages, it is translated as “craft,” and it has different meanings in different contexts. Its most common meaning is “work.” Historically, it has also been used to refer to the arts of making, household management, and acquiring money. In German, it is used to refer to any type of work and includes everything from carpentry to acrobatics.
Human element is at the heart of technology
The drive to create something bigger than ourselves is the most basic of human traits. It extends through the ages, but it is also a core motivation for all humans. We want to have greater control over our human condition and its inherent tragedies. However, some of our technological creations can have tragic outcomes, and this is a major concern for society and the human race. Let’s look at some of the ways we can protect ourselves from this potential.
Ethics of technology
Technoethics is a field of study focused on the ethical dimensions of new technologies. The field has seen several significant changes in the past century, including technological advancements that challenged the values of past generations. It has also seen the growth of the digital divide between developed and developing countries, and unequal funding for educational institutions within a country. In some cases, these changes are largely unavoidable, especially when it comes to the growth of technology.
Impact of technology on learning
In today’s hyper-connected world, technology has a tremendous impact on learning. While some argue that schools do not use enough technology, it can be an incredible source of information for students. Through apps, websites, students can ask questions and receive top answers to their questions. The potential for student interaction is endless. However, the impact of technology on learning is not always positive. Professor Higgings’ keynote covered the impact of educational technology and its history.