The Definition of Religion


Religion is a topic that cuts across many scholarly disciplines. Anthropology, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology and religious studies are just a few of the fields that have contributed to the ongoing debate about what “religion” really is.

As a result, the definition of religion is constantly changing and shifting. Some scholars have taken a functional approach and defined religion as the beliefs and practices that help social groups function better; others have used a substantive definition and focused on belief, personal experience, and the dichotomy between natural and supernatural beings. These different approaches have led to a wide range of definitions of religion that sometimes seem to be contradictory.

There are also a number of theories as to why people believe in religion. Psychologists have suggested that religion may answer human needs, such as the need for a sense of security and purpose or the desire to belong to a group. Some people choose to identify with a particular religion because it has a strong cultural heritage or because they have been raised in that religion. Other people feel drawn to a religion because it provides a comforting narrative about the universe or an explanation of how the world works.

Some scholars have taken a philosophical approach and tried to understand the nature of religion by examining its historical development. For example, some anthropologists have suggested that early religions developed in response to uncontrollable aspects of the environment, such as weather or success in hunting. They theorize that early humans tried to control these aspects in two different ways: manipulation, through magic, and supplication, through religion. Magic tries to manipulate the environment directly by performing rituals, while religion tries to control the environment indirectly by appealing to higher powers and goddesses.

Other philosophers have been critical of these types of theoretical approaches, arguing that they are too abstract and that they do not address the real world. In addition, they have pointed out that concepts can be used to support and reinforce certain power dynamics and that the use of a specific concept can create boundaries between what is considered to be part of a religion and what is not.

These criticisms have led to the emergence of what are called polythetic definitions of religion. Polythetic definitions are based on the idea that any phenomenon can be classified as a religion if it displays certain defining features. These features are often described as a “family resemblance” or crisscrossing and partially overlapping characteristics, like those that appear in any family. This type of definition has been influenced by the work of philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (see Wittgenstein, Ludwig ) and his notion of prototypes.